"Hot Rod" comes from two projects. The two separate projects have similar end goals with different means of achieving them. The requirements for the first project are listed below:
I worked on Hot Rod with one other student. Our plan was to use
two 12V DC motors to provide front-wheel drive. There would be a third wheel in the
back to stabilize the car.
We also decided to make the robot in the shape of a box to simplify
the process of storing and mounting electronic components.
Before we started construction, I created an assembly of the robot in SolidWorks to make
sure all components interface correctly and effortlessly.
The creation of the assembly also served a second purpose, as we laser cut the frame for the robot.
Thus, it was simple to export all necessary components as DXF files for laser cutting.
Internet connection was provided with the help of a Raspberry Pi.
We used Python and an HTML website to allow a user to input directions for the robot to follow.
The controls were rudimentary but served us well in the completion of the project.
Our control website can be seen to the left.
Finally, we were able to put Hot Rod to the test (for the requirements listed for the first project).
My partner controlled the robot as my professor added commentary.
The final product can be seen to the right!
The second project involving Hot Rod had slightly different requirements than the first. The new requirements can be seen below:
On top of this, our robot could send requests to the other robot to speed up or slow down based on the information provided from the buttons. Communication was vital when starting the ascent up the ramp, as both robots had to start at the same speed and at the same time. These initial agreements between robots were implemented in code with no communication between humans (i.e., the robots were coded to find a mutually agreeable speed and start time).